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What is $this keyword in PHP? Use cases of $this keyword

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Through this query, we will know about $this keyword in PHP and how can we use and apply it in PHP. So, first, we will define $this keyword. The $this keyword is an -> operator applied on the class and object and it only points to the current class object. you remove the $ sign in front of the property.

For ex:
$this ->color
class Fruit
public $color;
function showColor ($name)
$this ->color = $name;
echo “Color Name: $this ->color”;

$guava = new Fruit;
$guava ->showColor(‘green’);

I hope you will understand the concept behind the $this keyword and if you will run this below-mentioned code in your php program, it will definitely run and show an accurate result according to the below-provided code:

class Fruit{
  var $color1;   
  function showcolor(){
    echo $this->color;
$guava = new Fruit;

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