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How can we run PHP on a Local Server?

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PHP Local Server

Through the development environment, how can we run the PHP code on a local server? Before running the PHP file, you should have your own pc setup and development environment. In that environment, you can develop your PHP file and run that file also. so, you may choose any operating system among Windows, Linux, Mac, etc. You should have one web server, you will have to install a web server in your pc. And you should have one Editor/IDE & web browser. I hope, you will have installed all these things in your pc before running your code.

First, I will show you by using editor Notepad++ and my browser will be google chrome. Let’s come to see how can we run PHP file on local server. First of all, you move to the location where you have put your xampp server folder or source that you have installed. It may be on your pc and my computer also but I have installed it on C drive under the xampp folder. Under that Xampp folder, you will get lots of source file but you will have to move at that htdocs folder. you will get extra default files & folders but sometimes, you will get little lesser files so, there is no worry about talking.

When you will install xampp first time then you will put your project files or folder under the htdocs folder. Any Php file , you want to run on local so, first, you will make a folder from name of phpproject and you will put that folder under the htdocs. Suppose any website, you want to run so, you will
put your all Html, CSS, javascript, images, PHP, audio, and video files under the phpproject folder. If you want to run your php file then first, you will take a Notepad++ or vs code editor for running your file. After open your vs code, you will write a php code over vs code then you will save that file with the .php extension under the phpproject folder where you have kept that folder under the C drive Xampp folder.

Next, you will run that file then it will run at your browser so, you will run that php file with Google chrome option at your local. you will see that your code will run as usual as you have written at your vs code php file but it should was not happen like that you should were see only specific text on the web browser. why it will happen like so? because you have opened that php file at your pc but it should was open at your sever, if it has open at your sever then you get the same output. why it happens? because PHP is a server-side programming language so, for that file execution, you will need of a server for the execution.

whenas you have opened at your pc, if it will open in your server or execute in your server so, you will get the exact output at favor of your response. Before open at server, you will have to do open server because xampp is your local host. First, you will start your xampp by searching under taskbar. After searching, you will get xampp control panel and start your server. you will start first apache server then MySQL server, if both will become green then everything will be ok and status will be shown running. Now, your server will be start and if you want to verify your server is exist in running or not. you will write the localhost on your web browser search bar then your localhost dashboard will appear, it means that your server has started now.

Now, let’s talk about the PHP file that you had run in your pc so, how will you open in your sever. you only have to do much that in your local server for run that file so,you have to write the localhost/phpproject/php file name in your local and then press enter key. Then you will get same
output in your local whatever you will have written in your vs code. so, this is a complete process to run any php file and if you want to take extra information regarding this topic then I will inform to you that you have your own PHP, Html, and websites then for 24 hrs up or on-air online service. you purchase a web hosting from big rock, GoDaddy, or purchase web hosting from other company. so, you give to upload your websites content or material like whatever you have Html, PHP, javascript, and CSS files to that purchased web hosting.

Due to this, your site always exists online for 24 hrs. when your site run on your server then it looks
first your index file, if from the name of index so, it goes to suppose default file which is run in your server. if you rename your php file from the name of index.php then you will don’t need to specify your file name. you will open your project then it will automatically find and run your index.php on your server
whatever will be output, it will show on your screen. Actually, I want to say that index file open by default, if you open any website page in your browser then it may be the index.html page or index.php page of the website. it doesn’t see on your browser link but actually similar open on your browser either it may be the index.html or index.php page of that website. This way, you can run any PHP file on a local server.

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